Launching an on-line Store, Yikes!

Why yikes? Because starting an online business is not without risks. Not so much with money, although there are some listing fees, etc., but the amount of time it takes to learn how to use and manage all the required websites (and behind the scenes websites), is huge. Then, there’s the ever looming question . . . will people actually like my art?

Everything I’ve read on the subject of e-commerce warns that it takes at least 100 designs and 6 months to a year to even get noticed, let alone make your first sale. In the meantime, I spend hours each day creating and uploading art. Making the art is the fun part. Uploading it, manipulating it, describing and pricing it, not so much. Making sure each design has the right amount of pixels and dpi for the product upon which it will be displayed is even more of a challenge for someone like me who is not super tech savvy. But I keep plugging away at it, hoping one day it will pay off.

So, with lots of encouragement from friends and family, I decided to combine my love of art, travel, and animals into an e-commerce store called RedBubble. The beautiful exotic island on which I live, and all my silly pets, provide an unlimited source entertainment, inspiration, and content for my artwork. So why the heck not give it a try?

My original photographs, sketches, or paintings of animals, nature, Mt Etna, and other attractions in Sicily, are then stylized to create artsy, one-of-a-kind designs that are available on a variety of products like shirts, mouse pads, pillows, notebooks, mugs, tote bags and more. All are made in the United States and can be shipped directly from a print-on-demand manufacturer in California to any destination in the country.

Do you know someone who loves donkeys, goats, chickens, dogs, or cats? Maybe they would enjoy a colorful mouse pad with a silly goat face on it to brighten up the office. Or maybe you have a friend who likes to hike in the mountains and might appreciate a stylish image of a snow-capped volcano on a T-shirt. Perhaps you know someone who likes to travel, or is Sicilian.

Please check out my new online stores at the two links below. Even if you don’t buy anything, it helps my rankings just to have a design hearted or to have followers. Thank you for helping support my new side hustle!

Cannoli Critters RedBubble Store

Below are just a few examples of some of the products available in my stores:

Barbara Palermo

An American expat with Italian citizenship and ancestry

What is a Farm Stay in Sicily like?


February is Mardi Gras time in Sicily